South American Jaguar treated in Chennai
News Today, India, Tuesday, 12 July 2016

'Rikki,' the male Jaguar, was suffering from glaucoma for the past six years and it lost sight due to it. Expert veterinarians of Madras Veterinary College and Smithsonian Institution of USA opined removal of the eye as the animal had completely lost vision due to glaucoma which was in a full blown condition.
"Experts opined that the removal of eye would help ease pain due to swelling over the eye (owing to glaucoma)," Zoo Director and Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, KSSVP Reddy said in a press release yesterday.
Following the advice, the eye was removed in a surgery yesterday and the eye-opening was closed by suturing it.
He said the animal was under medication and another eye will also be removed in a month after due evaluation.
"South American jaguars live till 15 years in their natural wild habitat and for 20 years in captivity," he said.
The official said the removal of eye would not affect the animal as it adapted itself well to the new scenario after losing vision.
"The surgery has provided the animal an opportunity to spend its last days peacefully without pain," he said.